List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA 2774
Maximum Salary:$ 376,000.00
Average Salary:$ 80,255.03
Minimum Salary:$ 20,000.00

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 93
Name Title Department FTR GF
Gelman, Susan A DEAN LSA Dean: Dean-s Office $ 376,000.00 $ 369,344.80
Slemrod, Joel B PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 339,000.00 $ 254,250.00
Xie, Yu PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 330,125.00 $ 313,618.75
Courant, Paul N PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 310,653.00 $ 77,663.25
Nagel, Stefan PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 305,000.00 $ 76,250.00
Hines Jr, James R PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 296,500.00 $ 148,250.00
Shapiro, Matthew D PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 290,712.00 $ 72,678.00
Burns-Deloria, Margaret E Chf Dvlpmnt/Public Rel Ofcr Ld LSA Development $ 286,000.00 $ 286,000.00
Axelrod, Robert PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 281,264.00 $ 0.00
Wolfers, Justin PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 270,000.00 $ 0.00
Borgers, Tilman M PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 267,909.00 $ 174,140.85
Schwarz, Norbert W PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 260,249.03 $ 195,186.77
Nisbett, Richard E PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 259,828.00 $ 259,828.00
Brown, Charles C PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 259,573.33 $ 129,786.67
Tessler, Mark A PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 257,314.00 $ 257,314.00
House, James S PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 255,621.00 $ 12,781.05
Bound, John PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 253,625.00 $ 190,218.75
Tsebelis, George PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 252,321.00 $ 252,321.00
Smith, Jeffrey Andrew PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 239,590.00 $ 239,590.00
Lupia, Arthur PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 238,586.00 $ 238,586.00
Tesar, Linda L PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 227,560.00 $ 227,560.00
Nair, Vijayan N PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 225,789.64 $ 169,342.23
Page, Scott E PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 225,000.00 $ 108,750.00
Page, Scott E DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM LSA Study of Complex Systems $ 225,000.00 $ 36,250.00
Barber, Jennifer S PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 224,605.00 $ 224,605.00
Burns, Nancy E PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 223,987.00 $ 111,993.50
Railton, Peter A PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 222,147.00 $ 122,180.85
Huesmann, L Rowell PROFESSOR LSA Communication Studies $ 221,816.33 $ 184,773.00
Neal, Homer A PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 221,696.00 $ 110,848.00
Ackerberg, Daniel A PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 221,045.00 $ 132,627.00
Page: 1 of 93

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